Babies are so helpless - you need to be their world guide. First - help them learn to play and interact with others - not with a TV or electronic devices.
Their brains need stimulation and not the kind from electronics.
Kids Need Physical Play
They need to experience things to grow and develop. Electronics take away the human needs (causing detachment), and may harm their brains and eyes - radiation, EMF (electromagnetic fields), focusing, etc. Please play with your little one directly.
Read More:
Baby Needs
Secret Phrase
Keep Tech Away From Kids
Kids Don't Want Your Stuff
Kids Need Physical Play
Teach Critical Thinking
Do “Good Enough”
Prepare Kids for Safe Future
Emergency Kits for Safety
Need a Lawsuit Advance?
Make sure to keep all furniture, toys, equipment, and such baby safe. Use baby gates, outlets, covers and anything that helps keep baby from getting hurt. Look for small parts and toys - keep out of reach as they could be swallowed. Use safe baby and child products. Use a baby monitor to keep track of your baby while you are in other areas of the house. Place it a safe distance away to keep the EMF rays from being too close. Make sure it is guaranteed not to be able to be hacked into – if you hear anything odd from it. turn it off and call the company. Some disturbing hacks have happened to certain monitors.
Be aware of strangers and people who pay too much attention to your child. Kidnappers, human traffickers - too much a part of today's society. It's unfortunate that schools need a shooter training program. Please teach your kids proper reactions to strangers and situations. Do not leave your kids with strangers - too many abductions happen.
Give Your Child a Secret Phrase Early.
Teach the universal code to alert others that he or she Is in danger or kidnapped. Put your open hand out to the view of others, then bring the thumb Into the palm, and close the other fingers over the thumb. This "moving" code has saved many people of all ages. Keep your children and babies safe. Use safe baby and child products. Teach them, register them (with a reputable company), set up location services, and love them unconditionally. See the photos at the bottom.
Teach your kids to be wary of strangers. Teach them to ignore strangers' requests for their help, or offers of candy, and such. There are so many ways kids can be lured away - to help find a lost dog, a lost kid, or even his parents. Candy and treats should never entice your kids - they could be spiked, and it's a way to get the child close enough to grab. Even people she knows could turn out to be dangerous (it keeps happening - a trusted figure is able to lure a child away). Keep them off social media until they are mature enough to handle it. There are many trolls who are looking for child targets. On that note, don't post photos of your kids on social media because bad people are looking for those photos (and sometimes the photos are downloaded and used in other awful ways - given to human traffickers, used in propaganda, or other uses). Talk to your child about apps and purchasing gimmicks - many get lured in by a con man who then tries to befriend the child and may even start romantic thoughts. If your child gets comfortable with a stranger over the Internet, she might try to meet the person who successfully spirited your child away for sex or kidnapping.
Take photos and fingerprints of your children. List all special or significant identifiers - moles, freckles, scars, piercings, teeth features, etc. A kit is available to gather the information (often from your local government), then kept in a registry, in case it's ever needed (hopefully never). Take your own photos and include birthmarks or other identifiers. Keep the photos in a safe place and on you phone in case you would need them.
Keep track of their locations, by setting up a parental GPS on their phone and by teaching them to be honest with you on where they go (don't punish them for being honest - let them know it's better for you to know where they are, in case you need a starting point if you need to find them). Offer to pick up your child without fear from any situation that she feels threatened, unsafe, or just wants to get away.
Let them know it's all because you love them - you don't want to lose them, or anything to happen to them. This is a different world we live in, and it's full of dangers we never imagined could happen. Certainly, more and new dangers will continue to show up, sadly, but as technology advances, so do the workings of evil minds. We need to keep diligent and try to keep ahead of the dangers coming.
Be vigilant about your kids' toys. They shouldn't have parts that fall off, have parts that can be swallowed, weren't made with toxic ingredients (be wary of cheap toys from China, for example), and keep them from screen play (play personally with them - keep them learning to be social, and keep the electronic radiation minimal on their little brains).
Keep medicines, firearms, machinery, and all dangers out of reach from children - lock up what could harm them. Secure furniture so none will fall over. Put outlet covers in place. Use common sense to keep your home safe. Use safe baby and child products.
There are so many dangers in the world for children, more than ever and growing. Be vigilant for them, protective of them, and teach them to advocate for themselves.
Buy a safe baby monitor to keep an eye on your baby.
Shop for nursery furniture, cribs, bedding, monitors & more. Choose the nursery items that offer safety for your little one. Don't get a second-hand crib, as most are outdated and could place your baby in danger.
Baby safety in the car is absolute - choose a safe car seat and use it correctly. Babies can die while sleeping - keep the precious ones sleeping in a safe position. A safe crib is also necessary.
Bouncers and swings should also be safe items for your baby to play on.
Strollers have come a long way in safety. Older ones don't have safety features that are in the modern ones.
Give them age appropriate toys and things. Wooden toys are always a favorite. Keep small items from them, and make sure pieces can't break off - so no swallowing or choking hazards.
Always protect their heads and eyes. Use safe products like sunscreen, that won't harm the skin or get absorbed into their bodies.
If your child gets head lice, here are solutions to help.
Make your kids wear safety helmets to protect their heads when doing certain activities, like on a bike, or skating and skatebaording, and any other activity that could be dangerous.
Safe Trampoline Enclosures - remember how fun trampolines were? Keep your kids safer now than we were kids.